Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pinewood Derby

Our Cub Pack's Pinewood Derby took place on 10/23. Jared and is father had a good time fabricating his car (his is the car in the far lane). When Jared finally got to race it, he ended up finishing fourth place overall out of nine. We have a couple of people in the ward that really get into designing the cars for their boys to the extent of using computer aided design and precision cutting/drilling machinery! Their sons came in first and second of course. We still had a great time. One guy in our ward has a business where he machines components and builds engines for the racing industry. He was able to obtain some cool posters for the event as well as some giveaways for the boys.


Debbie Lawrence said...

Looks like you guys had a good time. I can't wait until Kaiden starts doing scout stuff. That will be so much fun!

Linda Cameron said...

Wow, those pictures bring back memories. Fun times...especially when I was serving as Primary President.