Sunday, June 21, 2009

Jared - Spring 2009

Jared also had a very busy Spring between school, Cub Scouts, and spending time with friends. Jared loves camping, riding his bike, building with Lego, throwing the football with Dad, and playing the Nintendo Wii and DS. He has three main friends that he spends time with and has sleepovers with on a regular basis. Jared finished 5th Grade this year and will be starting middle school at the end of the summer. He has decided to play the alto sax in band next school year and will also be participating in Cross Country. Jared has already finished two weeks of summer band practice at school and can now play several songs on his sax. At his next and final Pack Meeting prior to joining the 11 year old scouts, Jared will be awarded his Arrow of Light. He worked hard over the past year with his Father to earn this award.

Jared's Cub Scout Pack went to the annual air show at Mt. Comfort Air Field east of Indianapolis. It was warm and humid, but he and his Father had a great time. The only downside to the day was that Daddy got a nasty sunburn! We got to sit right next to the runway where the planes took off and landed. Just about all of the aircraft that you got to walk around and look at prior to the show actually took off and flew demonstrations. The Golden Knight parachute team and Blue Angels also performed.

We sat next to the screen that carried live video feed from the pilots' cockpits.


B-25 Bomber.

Blue Angels


This guy landed his plane on a moving pickup truck!

A-10 just before takeoff and performance.

Jared took this picture of Daddy and Bro. Miera at the the Father/Son's campout. Bro. Miera was visiting Michelle and her family in the Avon Ward. This is the second year that our Ward and the Avon Ward (the other Ward that meets at our building in Plainfield) had a combined campout at McCormick's Creek State Park.

Jared and his friend.

Playing the Nintendo DS (one of Jared's favorite things to do!).

Father/Son's campout in May.

Jared looking toward a covered bridge in Frankenmuth, MI during our trip back from Canada.

Trip to Canada in May.

Jared and Justin at Easter egg hunt.

Jared and Travis in March.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Justin - Spring 2009

Justin loves Easter time and had a great time camping at the Father/Sons outing in May. He also enjoyed our family trip to Canada. This summer, he will be taking swim lessons. He loves to complain and to fight with his older brother Jared. He excels at driving us all crazy, but we still love him. He is a smart kid and is fun to be with.

Father/Sons outing.

Justin at Bonner's (supposedly the worlds largest Christmas store) in Frankenmuth, MI. We are concerned that he wanted his picture taken next to the pink Christmas tree!

Justin is standing by Lake Michigan with the Mackinaw Bridge in the background. This was on the way back home from Canada.

This is as close as Justin would get to the Easter Bunny (who stands in the background).

Justin braved the hoards of people that showed up at a local park for a Saturday Easter egg hunt. The mad rush to grab the eggs lasted all of about 1 minute!

Travis - Spring 2009

Travis sure has grown over the past few months. He is now quite the chunky guy weighing more than 18 pounds! He just started solids last week.
Travis in June.
Jared took this picture of Travis in May.

Travis and Great Grandpa Swift ("Papa") in Canada at the beginning of May.

Travis in April.
Travis in March.

Lauren - Spring 2009

The last few months have been very busy for Lauren, and the summer is turning out to be just as busy. This week, she just finished her first of three week-long high school marching band practice sessions that will take place over the summer. She is also busy babysitting, earning money mowing the lawn and doing odd jobs, going to movies with her friends (she has seen Star Trek three times!), and continuing to work on her fantasy novel (her and her best friend have been working on it for almost two years). Next month she has YW Camp. Between marching band (which is a year-round commitment), seminary, YW activities, and difficult coursework as part of the four-year honors program that she is starting next school year, she will hardly have a spare moment!

At the end of May, we let Lauren invite around 15 of her friends to a graduation party at our house. Kathy and Lauren's best friend Jordan helped plan the event. There was music, water games, lots of food, a fire, and even some Wii time inside later in the evening.

Lauren's graduation party.
Yes, believe it or not, Lauren and her other 14 year old friends are not too old to enjoy spraying each other with water hoses and using a slip-and-slide! Justin joined in on the action.

Lauren and a friend are all dressed-up for the 8th grade graduation dance. The girls and their mothers went shopping together and found these dresses at Goodwill!

In May, Lauren's 8th grade band was invited by the high school marching band to march in the annual Indy 500 parade in downtown Indianapolis. It was a great experience for her in preparation for high school marching band this coming school year.

In March, Lauren's 8th grade band played in an annual county-wide band competition in Danville. Their band achieved a Gold rating, which is the highest possible score.

Lauren's 14th birthday party in March.