Friday, June 12, 2009

Lauren - Spring 2009

The last few months have been very busy for Lauren, and the summer is turning out to be just as busy. This week, she just finished her first of three week-long high school marching band practice sessions that will take place over the summer. She is also busy babysitting, earning money mowing the lawn and doing odd jobs, going to movies with her friends (she has seen Star Trek three times!), and continuing to work on her fantasy novel (her and her best friend have been working on it for almost two years). Next month she has YW Camp. Between marching band (which is a year-round commitment), seminary, YW activities, and difficult coursework as part of the four-year honors program that she is starting next school year, she will hardly have a spare moment!

At the end of May, we let Lauren invite around 15 of her friends to a graduation party at our house. Kathy and Lauren's best friend Jordan helped plan the event. There was music, water games, lots of food, a fire, and even some Wii time inside later in the evening.

Lauren's graduation party.
Yes, believe it or not, Lauren and her other 14 year old friends are not too old to enjoy spraying each other with water hoses and using a slip-and-slide! Justin joined in on the action.

Lauren and a friend are all dressed-up for the 8th grade graduation dance. The girls and their mothers went shopping together and found these dresses at Goodwill!

In May, Lauren's 8th grade band was invited by the high school marching band to march in the annual Indy 500 parade in downtown Indianapolis. It was a great experience for her in preparation for high school marching band this coming school year.

In March, Lauren's 8th grade band played in an annual county-wide band competition in Danville. Their band achieved a Gold rating, which is the highest possible score.

Lauren's 14th birthday party in March.


Linda Cameron said...

What fun times for Lauren. Busy girl and growing up too fast! Say "hi" to Jordan for me.

Heather C. said...

Looks like a fun group of friends. That is such a fun age. Seems like only yesterday....