Saturday, February 28, 2009

January Snowstorm

On January 28th, we had almost a foot of snow overnight. This is the most snowfall that we have experienced since we moved to Indiana almost three years ago. The kids had a snow day home from school, and Daddy got to stay home from work! The snow actually stayed on the ground for more than a week, which doesn't happen often around here. The kids had a lot of fun having snowball fights and making snow dudes. It wasn't long before the beautiful smooth snow in the backyard was completely trampled!

Justin with a snowball as big as his head!

Coming inside to thaw out.

Lauren and her friend Sara from down the street.

Almost 12 inches of snow.


Heather C. said...

Awesome snow pictures. Eric is jealous. My kids will be too.

Linda Cameron said...

Wow, that's a lot more snow than when I was there!

Anonymous said...

I know I have never seen that much snow. Your little one is so cute!

Erin said...

Holy cow! Now that is snow! It is currently snowing here as I am typing this, but nothing like that! Nice snowman guys!