Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lego Collection

Our family is Lego crazy! We have our creations divided up between a "bad guy" table, a "good guy" table, and a couple of town tables.

Indiana Jones

Sith base

Imperial base 1

Imperial base 2

Imperial base 3

Imperial base 4

Rebel base 1

Rebel base 2

Jedi Council Chamber 1

Jedi Council Chamber 2

Rebel base 3

Town area and Hogwarts. We still have a few containers full of loose bricks to build with even after everything that we have created. We have built up a good portion of our collection from sets and other pieces bought at yard sales.


Heather C. said...

Mason LOVED looking at your collection. It sure is awesome.

Erin said...

I must say that I laughed pretty hard when I saw this! Go Legos! You do have quite the collection. Only Braedon likes Legos in our house. He only likes to build them. He never plays with them.